KoszykTechnologia urządzeniaOpcje urządzeniaOprogramowanieZewnętrzne sensoryPrzyczepa testowaPompy i KompresoryFlary gazoweRury odpowietrzająceDezynfekcjaAkcesoria przyłączenioweAkcesoria testoweSystemy ładowaniaTransport i przechowywanieWalizkiTorby ochronneSystemy transportuAkcesoriaInstrukcja obsługi


Wkładka piankowaTakNie
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Transport case for Mobile Gas Flare L
Transport case for Mobile Gas Flare L
With castors and extendable handle With foam insert for: - Connection adapter with ball valve - Pressure reducer with V-measurement connection - Adapter 2 ½ inch IT to 2 inch ET - Adapter C50C to 2 1/2 inch - Adapter 2 ½ inch internal thread to Camlok nipple DN 50 - either T-piece C50C-C50C-C50C or extension 2 ½’ IT/ET 220 mm - Two hook spanners 95 - 100 - Venturi nozzle K50 - Stainless steel ground stake - Tripod nails and pegs - a larger compartment for e.g. guy rope, propane hose with connectors, earthing cable, etc.
Accessory case for Mobile Gas Flare L
Accessory case for Mobile Gas Flare L
Accessory case, level probe
Accessory case, level probe
with foam insert for safe transport of the components for the level measurement procedure. The foam insert provides space for the following items (not included in the sales item): EDS2 level probe tripod level probe smart level control water tank manhole inspection small parts
Accessory case smart memo
Accessory case smart memo
robust case with foam insert for smart memo and accessories, dimensions approx.: 460 x 380 x 180 mm
Case GasTest delta3
Case GasTest delta3
Carrying case with balloon & charging connection for GasTest delta3 - charging is possible while keeping the device inside the case
Case for Mobile Gas Flare M
Case for Mobile Gas Flare M
with foam insert for safe transportation of the Mobile Gas Flare M and accessories. Foam insert provides space for the following parts (not included in the sales item): - Mobile Gas Flare M - Hose NBR25 C25C-C25C 5 metres - Connection adapter Mobile Gas Flare M - Adapter S21N to C25C - Adapter C25C to 1 inch with O-ring seal - Adapter C25N to IT 1"
Case with insert OLLI / test gas small
Case with insert OLLI / test gas small
Case with insert OLLI / test gas small Case with two foam inserts to store the measuring device, charging kit, different test gas cans and additional accessories.
Case for Mobile Gas Flare S
Case for Mobile Gas Flare S
Case for Mobile Gas Flare S with foam insert for safe transport of: - Mobile gas flare S - Connecting strip - Hoses NBR 5m and 2m - Adapters S2520-C15C and S21N-C15C - Y-distributor C15N-C15C-C15C - Test head HUGO - Adapter test cap DN25 - Small accessories
Walizka transportowa OLLI
Walizka transportowa OLLI
Walizka z wkładką piankową wytłoczoną do urządzenia OLLI, aparatury pomiarowej, akumulatorów i dodatkowego wyposażenia
Carrying case for gas standpipe
Carrying case for gas standpipe
Carrying case for gas standpipe with form insert for: - gas standpipe + blow-off pipe 1" - blow-off pipe 2" for gas standpipe - tripod for gas standpipe - 3x hook 50cm dimensions: 1400 x 495 x 210 mm
Aluminiowa walizka transportowa dla GOLIATH / HUNTER
Aluminiowa walizka transportowa dla GOLIATH / HUNTER
Z wkładką piankową do zestawu sond węglowych (sonda otworkowa i dzwonkowa) i akcesoriów. - możliwość ładowania wewnątrz walizki
Accessory case for gas standpipe
Accessory case for gas standpipe
with wheels and extractable handle with foam insert for: - ground stake, - diffuser - flame arrester - venturi nozzle and further adapter
Carrying case with balloon for GasTest delta3
Carrying case with balloon for GasTest delta3
Carrying case with balloon
Walizka transportowa z wkładką piankową do ręcznych urządzeń pomiarowych
Walizka transportowa z wkładką piankową do ręcznych urządzeń pomiarowych
dla wszystkich ręcznych przyrządów pomiarowych i ich akcesoriów solidna plastikowa obudowa Wymiary w przybliżeniu: 465 x 355 x 110 mm
Case with insert OLLI / test gas large
Case with insert OLLI / test gas large
Case with insert OLLI / test gas large Case with foam insert for bottom & lid tray to stow measurement instrument, charging kit, test gas and additional accessories
Aluminum carrying case for HUNTER
Aluminum carrying case for HUNTER
With foam insert for carbon probe set (pinhole and bell probe) and accessories. - charging inside case possible
Walizka transportowa z wkładem piankowym GOLIATH/HUNTER
Walizka transportowa z wkładem piankowym GOLIATH/HUNTER
Solidna plastikowa obudowa Wymiary: 465 x 355 x 110 mm
Accessory case Druktest max
Accessory case Druktest max
Accessory case Druktest max Sturdy case with foam inlay, Dimensions: approx. 415 x 335 x 125 mm
Case W 400-2
Case W 400-2
Sturdy case with foam insert for accessories for tests according to W 400-2 without contents. The foam insert offers space for the following items: 1x HANS test head 2x hook spanner Special O-ring grease 1x Hose Hyd16 2m Geka-S5020N 1x EDS2-V 1-42l/min 1x EDS2-V 4-160 l/min 1x Control pressure gauge 10 bar 1x Control pressure gauge 25 bar 1x Flow reducer DWZ/EDS2-V
Case with insert OLLI/telescopic probe
Case with insert OLLI/telescopic probe
Case with insert OLLI/telescopic probe Case with foam insert for bottom & lid tray to stow measurement instrument, charging kit, telescopic ambient air probe and additional accessories.
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