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Test pump MPP 70-35
Fully automatic test pump for carrying out water pressure tests,
e.g. according to DVGW W 400-2, ÖVGW W 101, EN 805
- max. outlet pressure 35 bar
- delivery volume 70 l/min.
- Voltage 400 volt - 50 Hz
- Power consumption 5.5 kW
- Test pressure adjustable in 0.1 bar steps
- Frequency converter and speed control for adapted pressure build-up
and pressure maintenance without pressure surges
- freely adjustable, constant speed via "manual operation
- check valve for locking the pressure line
- Storz connection and quick couplings for water inlet and water outlet
- optionally with flow measurement (necessary for air volume determination in smart memo)
- optional with disinfection procedure for MPP
- optional with wheel set
Suitable for pressure build-up in large pipeline volumes. For small pipeline volumes with V < 1m^3, the MPP 70-35 is only suitable to a limited extent, as the test pressure may be "overrun".
Test pump MPP 30-30
Fully automatic test pump for simplified execution of water pressure tests according to DVGW W 400-2, ÖVGW W 101, EN 805
- max. outlet pressure 30 bar
- delivery volume 30 liter/min.
- power supply 230 Volt / 400 Volt - 50 Hz
- power consumption 2,2 kW
- test pressure adjustable in 0,1 bar steps
- frequency converter and speed control for adapted pressure build-up and pressure maintenance without pressure surges
- freely adjustable, constant speed via "manual operation"
- non-return valve for blocking of pressure line
- Storz coupling and quick-coupling for water inlet and outlet
- optional with volume flow measurement (necessary for air volume determination in smart memo)
- optional disinfection procedure for pump
- optional with wheel set
Test pump MPP 11
Test pump MPP 11 Pressure range 0 - 25 bar
full automatic testing pump for pressure build-up and pressure holding adjusted
without pressure impulses
technical data:
- connection value: 230 V 50 Hz
- power consumption: 1.850 VA
- protection type: IP 54
- max. test pressure 25 bar
- test pressure: 0 to 25 bar in steps of 0.1 bar
- safety: safety valve
- delivery volume: 11 l/min. Maximum output approx. 300 l
until automatic switch off, limited by temperature.
- decompression: manual
- Geka connection for water connection
- quick coupling for pressure-side connection
Vakumobil for exhausting gas in cohesive grounds
- high-performance vacuum pump
- portable version
- high vacuum performance: max. 900 mbar
- maximum volume flow: 266 l/min.
- connection value: 230 V, 50 Hz, 5,5 A
- with 10 m suction hose DN 25
- with 2 m exhausting hose
- filter in transparent case
Sprężarka KK 60
Sprężarka KK 60 do prób ciśnieniowych na przyłączach domowych dla gazu / wody
Bezolejowa, bezpieczna w eksploatacji sprężarka służąca do zwiększania ciśnienia w rurach gazowych i wodociągowych
Specyfikacja techniczna
Typ: sprężarka tłokowa, 2 zintegrowane wentylatory: silnika i cylindra
Zasilanie: 230 V, 50 Hz, P = 505 W,
Przepływ powietrza: > 60 l / min, a > 40 l / min przy 3 bar
Reduktor ciśnienia: regulowane ciśnienie wyjściowe od 0,5 bar do 10 bar
Temperatura pracy: - 10 ° C do + 45 ° C
Wymiary: szerokość 30 cm, długość 22 cm, wysokość 22 cm
Waga: 10 kg
Balon ciśnieniowy z trójnikiem
- do testu bezpieczeństwa zaworu odcinającego
- z precyzyjnym zaworem regulacyjnym
Pressure balloon for safety valve test
with fine regulating valve, coupling serie 20 Connection via connecting hose GT delta usability for GasTest delta 2006 or connecting hose GasTest delta3.
Pompka ręczna, aluminiowa
Wytrzymały system pompki ze złączką S 20 dla łatwego wzrostu ciśnienia do maksymalnie 2 barów.
Do ułatwiania obsługi podczas testów szczelności i naprężeń.
Hand pressure ball T-piece with fine adjustment valve and anti-kink springs
Vacuum backpack VSS 15
Mobile vacuum suction system for extremely sensitive gas detection.
Article comprises carrying system / backpack with vacuum technology and a rechargeable battery pack.
Additional accessories (handpiece, probes, hoses, charger, etc.) are required and must be ordered separately. Minimum equipment is as follows:
- Carrying system / backpack (412010)
- Handpiece (412024)
- Bell probe (412025)
- Handpiece connection hose (412029)
- Measuring device connection hose (412031)
- Charger (412050)
Manual compressor
Sturdy pump system with big handle and approx. 290 ml stroke volume for easy application of test pressures up to 10 bar.
Foldable footrests and robust metal body with quick coupling and shock-protected pressure manometer ( 0 ... 10 bar).
Pressure balloon type EWE with fine regulating valve, both-sided nipple
Pressure balloon ZPA
with fine regulating valve, nipple serie 21
Hand pump DruckTest 2000 NL Ver.1 & Ver.2 ready mounted
Hand pressure ball for calibration cap
Hand pressure ball for calibration cap of Esders Single & Multi Gas
for manual aspiration of gas samples
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