Technologia urządzenia HUNTER Gasspür- und Gasmessgerät
HUNTER Gasspür- und Gasmessgerät - 251201
HUNTER - wykrywanie i pomiar gazu
Urządzenie do wykrywania i pomiaru gazu, do kontroli
podziemnych rur gazowych za pomocą odpowiednich sond (np. sondy dywanowej).
Z wbudowaną pompą membranową, modułem Bluetooth i akumulatorem litowo-jonowa.
Urządzenie można wyposażyć w dodatkowe czujniki umożliwiające dalsze zastosowania.
Możliwe są następujące zastosowania:
- Inspekcja rur podziemnych
- Inspekcja dostępnych rur w budynkach
- Kontrola dostępnych rur w instalacjach itp.
- Inspekcja gruntu w celu zlokalizowania (opcjonalnie)
- Oczyszczanie rur gazowych (opcjonalnie, tylko w połączeniu z Inspekcja gruntu)
Czas pracy: ok. 10 godzin
Zakresy pomiarowe w zależności od wbudowanych czujników
Wymiary (DxSxW): 100 x 195 x 86 mm
Waga: 1,1 kg
Zakres temperatur: -10°C do 50°C
Our new HUNTER is the consistent further development of our previous successful model. We have maintained the proven technology, e.g. the semiconductor sensor for the gas detection range. This means that a very fast reaction time and stability of the measured value are still guaranteed, so that even the smallest spread of gas can be detected reliably.
For better readability, the device has a significantly larger display with higher resolution. In addition, the communication options via smartphone connection have been expanded to enable a connection to our online portal Esders Connect.
In order to be able to offer a holistic solution for the most common work in the course of pipe network inspection and LDAR - leak detection and repair, the device can be equipped with additional sensors for further applications on request.
Our Esders Pi NOTE (GIS) software makes it easy and quick to record your measurement data during systematic pipe network inspections and also enables you to document and analyse additional data for faster and more efficient work.
- Safe measurement of the smallest gas concentrations, humidity-compensated sensors
- Individual configuration of the sensors enables different areas of application
- Functions and menu according to DVGW worksheet G 465-4
- Fast and uncomplicated readout test
- Calibration and adjustment on the device
- Operating time of at least 10 hours for an intensive working day
- Wireless data transfer for quick and easy data transmission
- Connection to Esders Pi NOTE (GIS software) enables complete documentation during pipe network inspection
Technical Data
Display | Grafic display 240 x 160 Pixel; with Touch display; iluminated; display of measured value, maximum value and bar graph |
Power supply | Lithium-Ion 3,6 V, 6.700 mAh |
Charging | Power supply 230 V or car adapter, 12 V, approx. 5 hours |
Operating time (without ilumination) | > 10 hours (without backlight) |
Operating temperature | -10 °C to +50 °C |
Data Store | > 2.000.000 Measurement values (depending on the duration of the measurement) |
Protection category | IP52 |
Dimensions | 205 x 105 x 86 mm inkl. connection nippel |
Weight | ca. 1.115 g |
Measurement principle | Semiconductor, Infrared*, Electrochemical* |
Measuring range/ Display range | 0 to 1.000 ppm CH4, Resolution: up to 1 ppm 0,1 to 2,2 Vol.% CH4, Resolution: 0,01 Vol.% 0,1 to 100 Vol. CH4, Resolution: 0,1 Vol.%* 0 to 20 Vol.% CO2, Resolution: 0,1 Vol.%* (Display range up to 100 Vol.%) 0 to 25 Vol.% O2, Resolution: 0,1 Vol.%* |
Pump capacity | > 40 l/h, > 300 mbar |
* Optionally configurable