Opcje urządzenia Option data transfer Bluetooth
Option data transfer Bluetooth - 212119
Option wireless data transfer GasTest delta3
- License for transferring measurement on a ISM frequency (no WiFi / WLAN)
- Integration of measurement data into customer applications possible
- Measurement data is provided in a standardised format (JSON)
We offer an interface (API) so that you can import the data from your measuring devices into your own system.
For this you need a Bluetooth-enabled terminal device and the option data transmission via Bluetooth in the measuring device to be read out, the "Esders JSON protocol". JSON stands for "Java Script Object Notation" and is a data format and communication protocol in an easy-to-read text form. JSON helps you to read out and save your data from the measuring devices on your mobile phone, tablet or PC.
What data can be transmitted?
You can read out the measurements from your data memory in the measuring device, display them on your terminal device and then save them. The data includes the start time, the measurement method used with all parameters and the result of the measurement.
In addition, the data of the mobile data collection (MDE) are included in the device. This allows the query and entry of any data for a measurement. It is possible to add free fields of the types text, dropdown, checkbox and signature. The entered data is part of the JSON data.
From our IT to your IT
The further technical details and information are from our IT department to your IT department so that they can start with the implementation. Data transmission takes place via SPP (Serial Port Profile) in plain text. Lists and details of measurements can be retrieved via simple commands. Further important details and protocol specifications can be found in the PDF.